Source code for statmechcrack.isotensional

"""A module for the crack model in the isotensional ensemble.

This module consist of the class :class:`CrackIsotensional` which
contains methods for computing quantities in the
isotensional (constant force) thermodynamic ensemble.


import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la

from .isometric import CrackIsometric

[docs] class CrackIsotensional(CrackIsometric): """The crack model class for the isotensional ensemble. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializes the :class:`CrackIsotensional` class. Initialize and inherit all attributes and methods from a :class:`.CrackIsometric` class instance. """ CrackIsometric.__init__(self, **kwargs) inv_rescaled_H_Pi_00 = la.inv(self.H_Pi_00()/self.kappa) self.a_Pi_00 = np.array([ inv_rescaled_H_Pi_00[0, 0], inv_rescaled_H_Pi_00[0, -1], inv_rescaled_H_Pi_00[0, -2], inv_rescaled_H_Pi_00[-1, 0], inv_rescaled_H_Pi_00[-2, 0], inv_rescaled_H_Pi_00[-1, -1], inv_rescaled_H_Pi_00[-1, -2], inv_rescaled_H_Pi_00[-2, -1], inv_rescaled_H_Pi_00[-2, -2], ]) self.det_H_Pi_00 = la.det(self.H_Pi_00())
[docs] def Z_isotensional(self, p, transition_state=False): r"""The nondimensional isotensional partition function as a function of the nondimensional end force, .. math:: Z(p) = \int d\lambda \ Z_0(p,\boldsymbol{\lambda}) e^{-\beta U_1(\boldsymbol{\lambda})}, approximated using the asymptotic relation .. math:: Z(p) \sim Z_0(p, \hat{\boldsymbol{\lambda}}) \prod_{j=1}^M \sqrt{\frac{2\pi}{\beta u''(\hat{\lambda}_j)}} \, e^{-\beta u(\hat{\lambda}_j)}, which is valid for :math:`\varepsilon\gg 1`, where :math:`\hat{\boldsymbol{\lambda}}` is from minimizing :math:`\beta\Pi`. Args: p (array_like): The nondimensional end force. approach (str, optional, default='asymptotic'): The calculation approach. transition_state (bool, optional, default=False): Whether or not to calculate in the transition state. Example: Plot the rescaled nondimensional equilibrium radial distribution as a function of the nondimensional end force in the isotensional ensemble for an increasing nondimensional bond energy and compare to the limit given by the reference system: .. plot:: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from statmechcrack import CrackIsotensional >>> rp = np.linspace(0, 10, 250) >>> _ = plt.figure() >>> for varepsilon in [50, 100, 1000]: ... model = CrackIsotensional(varepsilon=varepsilon) ... p = 3*model.kappa/model.N**3*rp ... r_Z = (model.Z_isotensional(0)/model.Z_isotensional(p) ... )**(model.N**3/3/model.kappa) ... _ = plt.plot(rp, rp**2*r_Z, ... label=r'$\varepsilon=$'+str(varepsilon)) >>> r_Z_0 = (model.Z_0_isotensional(0, [1, 1]) ... / model.Z_0_isotensional(p, [1, 1]) ... )**(model.N**3/3/model.kappa) >>> _ = plt.plot(rp, rp**2*r_Z_0, 'k--', label='limit') >>> _ = plt.xlabel(r'$(N^3/3\kappa)p$') >>> _ = plt.ylabel(r'$(N^3/3\kappa)^2p^2$' + ... r'$\left[\frac{Z_0(0)}{Z_0(p)}\right]^{N^3/3\kappa}$') >>> _ = plt.legend() >>> Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional isotensional partition function. """ lambda_hat = self.minimize_beta_Pi( p, transition_state=transition_state )[2][-self.M:] Z_isotensional = self.Z_0_isotensional(p, lambda_hat) Z_isotensional *= np.sqrt( 2*np.pi/self.beta_u_pp(lambda_hat[transition_state:]) ), axis=0 ) Z_isotensional *= np.exp(-np.sum(self.beta_u(lambda_hat), axis=0)) return Z_isotensional
[docs] def beta_G_abs_isotensional(self, p, approach='asymptotic', transition_state=False): r"""The absolute nondimensional Gibbs free energy as a function of the nondimensional end force, .. math:: \beta G(p) = -\ln Z(p). Args: p (array_like): The nondimensional end force. approach (str, optional, default='asymptotic'): The calculation approach. transition_state (bool, optional, default=False): Whether or not to calculate in the transition state. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The absolute nondimensional Gibbs free energy. """ if approach == 'asymptotic': lambda_hat = self.minimize_beta_Pi( p, transition_state=transition_state )[2][-self.M:] beta_G_abs_isotensional = \ self.beta_G_0_abs_isotensional(p, lambda_hat) beta_G_abs_isotensional += 0.5*np.sum( np.log( self.beta_u_pp(lambda_hat[transition_state:])/2/np.pi ), axis=0 ) beta_G_abs_isotensional += np.sum(self.beta_u(lambda_hat), axis=0) elif approach == 'monte carlo': beta_G_abs_isotensional = np.nan*p return beta_G_abs_isotensional
[docs] def beta_G_isotensional(self, p, approach='asymptotic', **kwargs): r"""The relative nondimensional Gibbs free energy as a function of the nondimensional end force, .. math:: \beta\Delta G(p) = \beta G(p) - \beta G(0). Args: p (array_like): The nondimensional end force. approach (str, optional, default='asymptotic'): The calculation approach. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Passed to :meth:`~.beta_G_isotensional_monte_carlo`. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The relative nondimensional Gibbs free energy. Example: Plot the rescaled nondimensional relative Gibbs free energy as a function of the rescaled nondimensional end force in the isotensional ensemble for an increasing nondimensional bond energy and compare to the limit given by the reference system: .. plot:: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from statmechcrack import CrackIsotensional >>> rp = np.linspace(0, 10, 33) >>> _ = plt.figure() >>> for varepsilon in [50, 100, 1000]: ... model = CrackIsotensional(varepsilon=varepsilon) ... p = 3*model.kappa/model.N**3*rp ... beta_G = model.beta_G_isotensional( ... p, approach='asymptotic') ... _ = plt.plot(rp, model.N**3/3/model.kappa*beta_G, ... label=r'$\varepsilon=$'+str(varepsilon)) >>> beta_G_0 = model.beta_G_0_isotensional(p, [1, 1]) >>> _ = plt.plot(rp, model.N**3/3/model.kappa*beta_G_0, ... 'k--', label='limit') >>> _ = plt.xlabel(r'$(N^3/3\kappa)p$') >>> _ = plt.ylabel(r'$(N^3/3\kappa)\Delta\beta G$') >>> _ = plt.legend() >>> """ if approach == 'asymptotic': G_isotensional = \ self.beta_G_abs_isotensional(p, approach=approach) - \ self.beta_G_abs_isotensional(0, approach=approach) elif approach == 'monte carlo': G_isotensional = self.beta_G_isotensional_monte_carlo(p, **kwargs) return G_isotensional
[docs] def v_isotensional(self, p, approach='asymptotic', **kwargs): r"""The nondimensional end separation as a function of the nondimensional end force in the isotensional ensemble, .. math:: v(p) = -\frac{\partial}{\partial p}\,\beta G(p). Args: p (array_like): The nondimensional end force. approach (str, optional, default='asymptotic'): The calculation approach. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Passed to :meth:`~.v_isotensional_monte_carlo`. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional end separation. Example: Plot the nondimensional end separation as a function of the rescaled nondimensional end force in the isotensional ensemble for an increasing nondimensional bond energy and compare to the limit given by the reference system: .. plot:: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from statmechcrack import CrackIsotensional >>> rp = np.linspace(0, 10, 33) >>> _ = plt.figure() >>> for varepsilon in [50, 100, 1000]: ... model = CrackIsotensional(varepsilon=varepsilon) ... p = 3*model.kappa/model.N**3*rp ... v = model.v_isotensional(p, approach='asymptotic') ... _ = plt.plot(v - 1, rp, ... label=r'$\varepsilon=$'+str(varepsilon)) >>> v_0 = model.v_0_isotensional(p, [1, 1]) >>> _ = plt.plot(v_0 - 1, rp, 'k--', label='limit') >>> _ = plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta v$') >>> _ = plt.ylabel(r'$(N^3/3\kappa)p$') >>> _ = plt.legend() >>> """ if approach == 'asymptotic': lambda_hat = self.minimize_beta_Pi(p)[2][-self.M:] v_isotensional = self.v_0_isotensional(p, lambda_hat) elif approach == 'monte carlo': v_isotensional = self.v_isotensional_monte_carlo(p, **kwargs) return v_isotensional
[docs] def k_isotensional(self, p, approach='asymptotic', **kwargs): r"""The nondimensional forward reaction rate coefficient as a function of the nondimensional end force in the isotensional ensemble. Args: p (array_like): The nondimensional end force. approach (str, optional, default='asymptotic'): The calculation approach. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional forward reaction rate. Example: Plot the nondimensional forward reaction rate coefficient as a function of the nondimensional end force in the isotensional ensemble for an increasing nondimensional bond energy and compare to the limit given by the reference system: .. plot:: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from statmechcrack import CrackIsotensional >>> rp = np.linspace(0, 10, 33) >>> _ = plt.figure() >>> for varepsilon in [50, 100, 1000]: ... model = CrackIsotensional(varepsilon=varepsilon) ... p = 3*model.kappa/model.N**3*rp ... _ = plt.semilogy( ... rp, model.k_isotensional(p), ... label=r'$\varepsilon=$'+str(varepsilon)) >>> _ = plt.semilogy(rp, model.k_0_isotensional(p, [1, 1]), ... 'k--', label='limit') >>> _ = plt.xlabel(r'$(N^3/3\kappa)p$') >>> _ = plt.ylabel(r'$k$') >>> _ = plt.legend() >>> """ if approach == 'asymptotic': k_isotensional = ( self.Z_isotensional(p, transition_state=True) / self.Z_isotensional(p) ) / ( self.Z_isotensional(0, transition_state=True) / self.Z_isotensional(0) ) elif approach == 'monte carlo': k_isotensional = self.k_isotensional_monte_carlo(p, **kwargs) return k_isotensional
[docs] def k_rev_isotensional(self, p): r"""The nondimensional reverse reaction rate coefficient as a function of the nondimensional end force in the isotensional ensemble. Args: p (array_like): The nondimensional end force. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional reverse reaction rate. """ model_2 = CrackIsotensional( N=self.N + 1, M=self.M - 1, kappa=self.kappa, alpha=self.alpha, varepsilon=self.varepsilon ) return ( self.Z_isotensional(p, transition_state=True) / model_2.Z_isotensional(p) ) / ( self.Z_isotensional(0, transition_state=True) / model_2.Z_isotensional(0) )
[docs] def k_net_isotensional(self, p): r"""The nondimensional net reaction rate coefficient as a function of the nondimensional end force in the isotensional ensemble. Args: p (array_like): The nondimensional end force. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional net reaction rate. Example: Plot the nondimensional net reaction rate coefficient as a function of the nondimensional end force in the isotensional ensemble for an increasing system size: .. plot:: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from statmechcrack import Crack >>> Np = np.logspace(-1, np.log(6)/np.log(10), 33) >>> _ = plt.figure() >>> for N in [4, 8, 16, 64]: ... model = Crack(N=N) ... _ = plt.semilogy( ... Np, model.k_net(Np/N, ensemble='isotensional'), ... label=r'$N=$'+str(N)) >>> _ = plt.xlabel(r'$Np$') >>> _ = plt.ylabel(r'$k^\mathrm{net}/k_\mathrm{ref}$') >>> _ = plt.legend() >>> """ return self.k_isotensional(p, approach='asymptotic') \ - self.k_rev_isotensional(p)
[docs] def Z_0_isotensional(self, p, lambda_): r"""The nondimensional isotensional partition function as a function of the nondimensional end force for the reference system, .. math:: Z_0(p,\boldsymbol{\lambda}) = Z_b(p,\lambda_1,\lambda_2) e^{-\beta U_{01}(\boldsymbol{\lambda})}. Args: p (array_like): The nondimensional end force. lambda_ (array_like): The intact bond stretches. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional isotensional partition function. Example: Plot the rescaled nondimensional equilibrium radial distribution as a function of the nondimensional end force for the reference system in the isotensional ensemble for an increasing number of broken bonds :math:`N` and compare to the thermodynamic limit: .. plot:: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from statmechcrack import CrackIsotensional >>> rp = np.linspace(0, 10, 250) >>> _ = plt.figure() >>> for N in [5, 10, 25, 100]: ... model = CrackIsotensional(N=N) ... p = 3*model.kappa/N**3*rp ... r_Z_0 = (model.Z_0_isotensional(0, [1, 1]) ... / model.Z_0_isotensional(p, [1, 1]) ... )**(model.N**3/3/model.kappa) ... _ = plt.plot(rp, rp**2*r_Z_0, label='$N=$'+str(N)) >>> _ = plt.plot(rp, rp**2*np.exp(-rp*(rp/2 + 1)), ... 'k--', label='limit') >>> _ = plt.xlabel(r'$(N^3/3\kappa)p$') >>> _ = plt.ylabel(r'$(N^3/3\kappa)^2p^2$' + ... r'$\left[\frac{Z_0(0)}{Z_0(p)}\right]^{N^3/3\kappa}$') >>> _ = plt.legend() >>> """ return self.Z_b_isotensional(p, lambda_) * \ np.exp(-self.beta_U_01(lambda_))
[docs] def beta_G_0_abs_isotensional(self, p, lambda_): r"""The absolute nondimensional Gibbs free energy as a function of the nondimensional end force for the reference system, .. math:: \beta G_0(p,\boldsymbol{\lambda}) = -\ln Z_0(p,\boldsymbol{\lambda}) = \beta G_b(p,\lambda_1,\lambda_2) + \beta U_{01}(\boldsymbol{\lambda}). Args: p (array_like): The nondimensional end force. lambda_ (array_like): The intact bond stretches. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The absolute nondimensional Gibbs free energy. """ return self.beta_G_b_abs_isotensional(p, lambda_) \ + self.beta_U_01(lambda_)
[docs] def beta_G_0_isotensional(self, p, lambda_): r"""The relative nondimensional Gibbs free energy as a function of the nondimensional end force for the reference system, .. math:: \beta\Delta G_0(p,\boldsymbol{\lambda}) = \beta G_0(p,\boldsymbol{\lambda}) - \beta G_0(0,\boldsymbol{\lambda}). Args: p (array_like): The nondimensional end force. lambda_ (array_like): The intact bond stretches. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The relative nondimensional Gibbs free energy. Example: Plot the rescaled nondimensional relative Gibbs free energy as a function of the rescaled nondimensional end force for the reference system in the isotensional ensemble for an increasing number of broken bonds :math:`N` and compare to the thermodynamic limit: .. plot:: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from statmechcrack import CrackIsotensional >>> rp = np.linspace(0, 10, 33) >>> _ = plt.figure() >>> for N in [5, 10, 25, 100]: ... model = CrackIsotensional(N=N) ... p = 3*model.kappa/N**3*rp ... beta_G_0 = \ ... model.beta_G_0_isotensional(p, [1, 1]) ... _ = plt.plot(rp, N**3/3/model.kappa*beta_G_0, ... label='$N=$'+str(N)) >>> _ = plt.plot(rp, -rp*(rp/2 + 1), 'k--', label='limit') >>> _ = plt.xlabel(r'$(N^3/3\kappa)p$') >>> _ = plt.ylabel(r'$(N^3/3\kappa)\beta\Delta G_0$') >>> _ = plt.legend() >>> """ return self.beta_G_0_abs_isotensional(p, lambda_) \ - self.beta_G_0_abs_isotensional(0, lambda_)
[docs] def v_0_isotensional(self, p, lambda_): r"""The nondimensional end separation as a function of the nondimensional end force for the reference system in the isotensional ensemble, .. math:: v_0(p,\lambda_1,\lambda_2) = -\frac{\partial}{\partial p} \,\beta G_0(p,\lambda_1,\lambda_2) = v_b(p,\lambda_1,\lambda_2). Args: p (array_like): The nondimensional end force. lambda_ (list): The stretch of the first two intact bonds. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional end separation. Example: Plot the nondimensional end separation as a function of the rescaled nondimensional end force for the reference system in the isotensional ensemble for an increasing number of broken bonds :math:`N` and compare to the thermodynamic limit: .. plot:: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from statmechcrack import CrackIsotensional >>> rp = np.linspace(0, 10, 33) >>> _ = plt.figure() >>> for N in [5, 10, 25, 100]: ... model = CrackIsotensional(N=N) ... p = 3*model.kappa/N**3*rp ... v_0 = model.v_0_isotensional(p, [1, 1]) ... _ = plt.plot(v_0 - 1, rp, label='$N=$'+str(N)) >>> _ = plt.plot(rp, rp, 'k--', label='limit') >>> _ = plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta v_0$') >>> _ = plt.ylabel(r'$(N^3/3\kappa)p$') >>> _ = plt.legend() >>> """ return self.v_b_isotensional(p, lambda_)
[docs] def k_0_isotensional(self, p, lambda_): """The nondimensional forward reaction rate coefficient as a function of the nondimensional end force for the reference system in the isotensional ensemble. Args: p (array_like): The nondimensional end force. lambda_ (array_like): The intact bond stretches. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional forward reaction rate. """ return self.k_b_isotensional(p, lambda_)
[docs] def Z_b_isotensional(self, p, lambda_): r"""The nondimensional isotensional partition function as a function of the nondimensional end separation for the isolated bending system, .. math:: Z_b(p,\lambda_1,\lambda_2) = \sqrt{\frac{(2\pi)^{N+1}}{\det\mathbf{H}}} \,e^{\frac{1}{2}\mathbf{g}^T\cdot\mathbf{H}^{-1}\cdot\mathbf{g}-f}, where :math:`\mathbf{H}`, the nondimensional Hessian of the total potential energy for the isolated bending system, and :math:`\mathbf{g}` and :math:`f` are .. math:: \mathbf{g}(p,\lambda_1,\lambda_2) = \kappa\left( p/\kappa, 0, \ldots, 0, -\lambda_1, 4\lambda_1 - \lambda_2 \right)^T, .. math:: f(\lambda_1,\lambda_2) = \frac{\kappa}{2}\left[\lambda_1^2 + \left(2\lambda_1 - \lambda_2\right)^2\right] . Args: p (array_like): The nondimensional end force. lambda_ (array_like): The intact bond stretches. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional isotensional partition function. """ return np.exp(-self.beta_G_b_abs_isotensional(p, lambda_))
[docs] def beta_G_b_abs_isotensional(self, p, lambda_): r"""The absolute nondimensional Gibbs free energy as a function of the nondimensional end force for the isolated bending system, .. math:: \beta G_b(p,\lambda_1,\lambda_2) = -\ln Z_b(p,\lambda_1,\lambda_2). Args: p (array_like): The nondimensional end force. lambda_ (array_like): The intact bond stretches. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The absolute nondimensional Gibbs free energy. """ rescaled_b_inv_A_b = self.np_array(p/self.kappa)**2*( self.a_Pi_00[0] ) + self.np_array(p/self.kappa)*( (4*lambda_[0] - lambda_[1])*( self.a_Pi_00[1] + self.a_Pi_00[3] ) - lambda_[0]*( self.a_Pi_00[2] + self.a_Pi_00[4] ) ) + lambda_[0]**2*( self.a_Pi_00[8] ) + (4*lambda_[0] - lambda_[1])**2*( self.a_Pi_00[5] ) - lambda_[0]*(4*lambda_[0] - lambda_[1])*( self.a_Pi_00[6] + self.a_Pi_00[7] ) return self.kappa/2*( + lambda_[0]**2 + (2*lambda_[0] - lambda_[1])**2 - rescaled_b_inv_A_b ) + np.log(self.det_H_Pi_00) - (self.N + 1)*np.log(2*np.pi)/2
[docs] def beta_G_b_isotensional(self, p, lambda_): r"""The relative nondimensional Gibbs free energy as a function of the nondimensional end force for the isolated bending system, .. math:: \beta\Delta G_b(p,\lambda_1,\lambda_2) = \beta G_b(p,\lambda_1,\lambda_2) - \beta G_b(0,\lambda_1,\lambda_2). In the thermodynamic limit of a large number of broken bonds :math:`N`, this function has the asymptotic relation .. math:: \beta\Delta G_b(p,\lambda_1,\lambda_2) \sim -\frac{N^3}{6\kappa}\,p^2 - p \quad\text{for }N\gg 1. Args: p (array_like): The nondimensional end force. lambda_ (array_like): The intact bond stretches. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The relative nondimensional Gibbs free energy. """ return self.beta_G_b_abs_isotensional(p, lambda_) - \ self.beta_G_b_abs_isotensional(0, lambda_)
[docs] def v_b_isotensional(self, p, lambda_): r"""The nondimensional end separation as a function of the nondimensional end force for the isolated bending system in the isotensional ensemble, .. math:: v_b(p,\lambda_1,\lambda_2) = -\frac{\partial}{\partial p} \,\beta G_b(p,\lambda_1,\lambda_2). In the thermodynamic limit of a large number of broken bonds :math:`N`, this function has the asymptotic relation .. math:: v_b(p,\lambda_1,\lambda_2) \sim v_0 + \frac{N^3}{3\kappa}\,p \quad\text{for }N\gg 1. Args: p (array_like): The nondimensional end force. lambda_ (list): The stretch of the first two intact bonds. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional end separation. """ return self.np_array(p/self.kappa)*( self.a_Pi_00[0] ) + 0.5*( (4*lambda_[0] - lambda_[1])*( self.a_Pi_00[1] + self.a_Pi_00[3] ) - lambda_[0]*( self.a_Pi_00[2] + self.a_Pi_00[4] ) )
[docs] def k_b_isotensional(self, p, lambda_): """The nondimensional forward reaction rate coefficient as a function of the nondimensional end force for the isolated bending system in the isotensional ensemble. Args: p (array_like): The nondimensional end force. lambda_ (array_like): The intact bond stretches. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional forward reaction rate. """ return ( self.Z_b_isotensional(p, [self.lambda_TS, lambda_[1]]) / self.Z_b_isotensional(p, lambda_) ) / ( self.Z_b_isotensional(0, [self.lambda_TS, lambda_[1]]) / self.Z_b_isotensional(0, lambda_) )