Source code for statmechcrack.tests.test_style

"""A module for testing the Python style.

This module checks all other modules in the package (including itself)
for adherence to the PEP 8 style standard for Python code.


import unittest
from os import path
from glob import glob
from pycodestyle import StyleGuide

[docs] class Style(unittest.TestCase): """Class to test conformance of code to PEP style standards. """
[docs] def main(self): """Main function for module-level testing functionality. """ self.test_pep8_conformance()
[docs] def test_pep8_conformance(self): """Function to test conformance of code to PEP style standards. """ tests_dir = path.dirname(__file__) files = glob(path.join(tests_dir, './*.py')) files += glob(path.join(tests_dir, '../*.py')) files += glob(path.join(tests_dir, '../../*.py')) files += glob(path.join(tests_dir, '../../docs/*.py')) style = StyleGuide(quiet=False) for file in files: self.assertFalse(style.input_file(file))
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()